Here is a list of all the commands you can issue. Commands don't cost any money because they communicate with us, not the model:

? - get this list of commands texted to you

$ - how much money you have left

tip 25/50/75/100/150/200 - tip user. Example: tip 50

add 50/75/100/150/200 - add money to your account and get 10%-20% bonus cash

follow - subscribe to the user's feed

pic XXX - receive/pay for a photo that was sent to you (XXX will be a number) Photos will be texted to you and also appear on the site under Private Media

vid XXX - similar to pic. Videos appear under Private Media and are not texted to you.

Send a text just by writing and optionally attaching a photo. 

Note you are charged per message and photo/video sent according to the prices set by the performer.